List of Aviation Incidents & Accidents

From bits & Bytes Minecraft Wiki
Revision as of 07:35, 5 February 2024 by Equinoxx (talk | contribs) (Added crash names)
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During the lifetime of Bits & Bytes Minecraft several aviation incidents and accidents have occurred. This list aims to centralize basic information regarding any of these crashes.

If you have information about any crashes, contribution to this list is highly recommended.

Registered Aviation Incidents & Accidents

Most flights that happen in the server are with an airline and therefore have a flight code. This list aims to document the crashes of only these registed flights.

List of Registered Incidents & Accidents
Airline Flight Code Date Date Planned Destination Site of Crash Cause of Incident Casualties Crash Name
Oui-Oui Baguette en Montréal ? 6 August 2023 ? ? ? ? ? Unnamed

Unregisted Aviation Incidents & Accidents

Some flights that occour in the server are unplanned and unregistered, so these flights do not have an assosiated airline or a flight code. This list aims to document the crashes of only these unregisted flights.

List of Unregistered Incidents & Accidents
Pilot Date Departed Site of Crash Cause of Incident Casualties Crash Name
Inkydink 25 September 2022 Baxford Central Airport The Baxford Twins Terrorism 1 Baxford Central Tower Plane Crash